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↓ Select a Pop-Question from the Year 2016 ↓
25 Dec. 2016 — Self-driving Car
You can't be reading the newspaper while operating this vehicle. You, like, have to pay attention to the road.
11 Dec. 2016 — Critical Thinking
People except whatever they read on the internet as truth; they don't apply their critical thinking skills.
27 Nov. 2016 — Musical Styles
Bob Dylan's musical genres include folk and rock and roll and rhythm and blues and country and gospel.
30 Oct. 2016 — Such an election
30 Oct. 2016 — If "whenever"
If he wanted to know the truth, I was telling him the truth.
(This is an example, not an actual quote.)
16 Oct. 2016 — Result "so"
2 Oct. 2016 — One another
18 Sep. 2016 — Look forward / (be) used
4 Sep. 2016 — It seems
21 Aug. 2016 — Over-exaggerate
7 Aug. 2016 — Themself
Everyone should protect themself from getting the Zika virus by wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants and insect repellent.
17 July 2016 — With a truck
17 July 2016 — The sign said
12 June 2016 — If…to
29 May 2016 — Arrive
15 May 2016 — Myself
1 May 2016 — Present perfect agreement?
16 Apr. 2016 — Fruits
04 Apr. 2016 — Proud
20 Mar. 2016 — In solitude (punctuation)
In solitude we learn to concentrate and imagine to listen to ourselves. We need these skills to be fully present in conversation.
(Turkle 2106)
6 Mar. 2016 — Speaking in general
20 Feb. 2016 — Already or Yet
7 Feb. 2016 — Cleft (Split) Sentences
24 Jan. 2016 —Double Possessive
10 Jan. 2016 —It's better…