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Birds, pigs, rats and other animals all have special talents which have been used by humans. Birds can talk, pigs can find truffles, rats can run wires through walls for plumbers. But no animal has quite as many special talents as dogs, especially when it comes to helping ranchers.
Rubble from earthquake-stricken houses is lying everywhere. Precious lives are buried deep within the piles of dirt, concrete and debris. If rescue workers can locate these souls in time, their lives may be saved. Dog teams arrive. They will employ their amazing talents in this emergency situation.
"Never trust a man [that] a dog doesn't like." the proverbs says. This somehow implies that dogs can tell the character of a person before a human can. In many ways this is true: dogs have amazing talents when it comes to assessing a person's character. But how do they do it? Pet behaviorists give the following explanations.
Max was a cute dog, a Tibetan Terrier with a "winning smile", but he had annoying habit of "lifting his leg" on my furniture whenever I left him alone for more than a couple of hours. Half-way through our walks, he would roll on his back indicating he had walked far enough. I would have to carry him home. Just when I decided to give him up for adoption, he used his amazing talent as a "chick magnet" to find me the love of my life.
adopt (V) – choose to take care of someone or some project
annoying (Participial Adj) – bothersome, disturbing, troublesome
assess (V) – estimate the value of something or the amount of damage done to it
behaviorist (N) – a professional who studies how and why people and animals act as they do; behave (V) – act; behavior (N) – how someone acts, character
chick-magnet (expression) – something that attracts the attention of young women
debris (N) – the remains of something that is broken down or destroyed, such as materials on the ground after a hurricane.
focus (N) – the central point of attraction or view; (V) to narrow the view to a particular point of interest
funnel (N) – a tool shaped like an upside-down cone, which takes a large amount of
indicate (N) – show, point to, be a sign or evidence of something
habit (N) – routine, customary behavior, repeated action or activity
imply (V) – indicate or suggest something without actually saying it; signify or mean
lifting his leg (expression) – urinating, peeing as male dogs do
liquid or particles (sand, sugar, powder) to and through a smaller opening at the other end so that the contents will fit through the opening of a bottle or jug
talent (N) – special abilities or skills such as playing the piano
truffle (N) – an edible fungus which grows under trees
proverb (N) – a wise saying that is passed down from generation to generation
rancher (N) – a person who raises animals such as cattle or sheep
reveal (V) – to make known, lay open for others to see, show
rubble (N) – rough amounts of rocks, stones, or building material on the ground; demolished material no longer part of a structure
stricken (Participial Adj) – hit; strike (V) – hit with a hand, tool or force of nature
thesis (N) – the particular focus (viewpoint or opinion) that a writer chooses to write about on a narrowed topic. See Topic & Thesis and Controlling Idea for examples.
unroll (V) – to show little by little, display, reveal